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As a manufacturer of precision grinding machines, we know the importance of a precise, dependable coolant supply.

After a long period of research and testing, we selected diatomaceous earth (DE) as the filter media for our line of automatic coolant delivery/filtration systems.

DE consists of skeletal remains of microscopic aquatic organisms with sizes varying from 10 to 200 microns in diameter. It's natural structure is very intricate with
sub-micron pores on the surface. Compared to conventional filter media, with plain and even surfaces, DE particles have a very large surface area in relation to their overall size. DE coated candles in ITM Filter Systems enable filtration of particles as small as 5 microns versus 20 microns with conventional systems.

DE is being used as a filter media in the beverage and water cleaning industries and has proved it's superiority and safety. Properly handled, DE in not hazardous to the health.

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• Filtration of particles as small as 5 microns
• Flow rates up to 159 GPM
• Up to 500 PSI pressure
• Up to 172 square feet filter area
• Chiller rating up to 290,000 BTU/h
• Coolant temperature maintained to within 1�C
• For filtration of steel, carbide & ceramic materials

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Available as single or multiple units

Cleaning Cycle:
Grinding residue will collect on the outer surface of the coated candles as the coolant is drawn through the candles to the clean coolant reservoir. The flow rate of the filter will be reduced as the residue collects on the outside of the candles. Using the built-in flow meter, the filter can be dumped once a pre-determined flow rate is reached. The candles in the dome will be back-flushed with clean coolant during this dumping cycle to assure that all residue and used DE are removed from the candles. The candles are recoated with DE, and a new filter cycle is started, while the grinding sludge is automatically separated and dried with the use of our sludge dryer unit.

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Easy and safe operation with the use of simple controls with reference graphics and a LCD status panel that allows for manual adjustment of filter flush time and sludge dryer drying time.

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A multitude of safety features such as a warning lamp, flow meter, etc., are used to alert the operator to avoid running grinding machines with improper coolant supply, protecting your machine tools as well as your filter system.

Chiller unit maintains coolant temperature within 1�F (0.5�C), improving surface finish and tolerance holding capabilities of grinding machines.

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Optional Automatic sludge dryer:

Automatic sludge dryer benefits:
• Recovers more coolant than vacuum or centrifuge systems
• Reduces volume of grinding sludge
• Simplifies sludge disposal
• Extends coolant lifecycle
• Operator adjustable drying cycle for use with steel, carbide or ceramic sludge

ITM filters can be equipped with a fully automatic sludge dryer in place of a standard vacuum system, to separate oil from grinding sludge. After the filter has been dumped, the dirty oil with sludge is pumped into the dryer unit. The oil is separated and returned to the cleaning cycle by pressing it out of the sludge with the use of up to 6 BAR air pressure. The cake, which is left, is then dried and automatically dumped into a disposal bin.

ITM Machines are Designed for 24 Hour Production...7 Days a Week

International Tool Machines
5 Industry Drive

Palm Coast, Florida 32137 USA
Phone: 386-446-0500
Fax: 386-445-5700



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